
Beverly Youth Hockey (BYH) is a non-profit recreational ice hockey program for girls and boys ages 3- U18. It has been an important part of the community offering skating and ice hockey instruction for hundreds of kids for over twenty five years. The program includes players from Learn to Skate (age 3) through Midgets (U18). Currently, there are over 300 children in the Learn to Skate, Cross Ice and Mite, Squirt, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget level team programs.

Our mission at BYH is two fold: 1) to promote and enhance skating, both hockey and learn-to-skate, for all the youth of Beverly at the lowest possible cost, and 2) to ensure that the experience is fun and memorable.

We strive to enforce fair play and sportsmanship from each and every player as well as to foster an appreciation of ice hockey and skating that will last a lifetime. Our volunteers and coaches are extremely dedicated to the program.

As a non-profit 501(C)3 organization, fundraising is critical to the success of our program.

Our Federal non-profit tax ID # is: 04-3198263.

On behalf of the Beverly Youth Hockey Association, Inc. program, I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration and donation. Your generous support is greatly appreciated as it helps eliminate financial barriers to participation for our youth.

Fundraising Committee

Beverly Youth Hockey Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 105 Beverly, MA 01915

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